We did have a good holiday weekend. I went to Miss Tammi's for Easter, my mom wasn't too happy with me, but hey, she didn't speak up soon enough. And for the dinner I made 4 loaves of breaded egg bread, 2 loaves of braided honey whole wheat bread, 1 large and 1 small Hiawiian sweet potatoe casseroles, and 2 caramel apple crostas. Everything was a big hit, as I made it home with only the small casserole and 1 loaf of egg bread. If anyone is interested in the recipes I used, you can e-mail me at tonia underscore u at hotmail dot com, and I will be more than happy to share.
Oh, and I won the drawal of the hat for a set of my boss' season hockey tickets. Saturday night, I took Tammi's daughter, Jessi with me and we went to see the Columbus Blue Jackets play the Chicago Black Hawks. We won 5 to 2, and the Black Hawks only scored when Jessi and I went to get some pop and hot dogs. Here are a few pics that I took that night:

Here's our mascot Stinger just before the game.
And here is pic of #27 - Manny Malhotra, he reminds me of a very skinny Vin Diesel.