Happy Late Mid-Summer! It's been a couple of busy weeks, so I am very late in writing this post. I have a bit of exciting news. As I mentioned previously, I have been attending fellowship at a pagan/spiritual shop near home called Blessed Be (Facebook link on the sidebar), for over a year now, and when the owner that conducts the fellowships asked for volunteers to help host some, I jumped right in. As I am a solitary kitchen witch, it was only natural that my fellowships/classes be on cooking and kitchen witchery. We have started arranging the classes so that I can focus on the Sabbats. My first class was on my birthday last week, and focused on Litha/Mid-Summer/Summer Solstice. Granted, my birthday is a few days after, but it still worked out great. In the class I made Fried Honey Cakes (aka: Fairy Cakes), and before the class I made Serendipity Cookies and fresh Lavender-Honey Lemonade. It was fun and yummy. I also put together a hand out for everyone that included the recipes, a menu planning suggestion, and some decorating/tablescaping ideas. Here are a few pics from the event:

As I had to use a small deep fryer, the Fairy Cakes came out more like funnel cake (but who doesn't like funnel cake, right?), and we had the honey-nutmeg dipping sauce for them. The Serendipity Cookies were awesome, as usual. I will be posting the recipes for these items on my new pages (listed above, directly below the header).
This Lavender-Honey Lemonade was absolutely delicious! I will definitely be making more of it, that's for sure. If anyone is interested in a copy of my hand out, you can
email me here, and I will be more than happy to send you back a copy. I am also available for any questions or needed suggestions. You can either email me, or leave a comment, and I'll get back to you as quickly as I can.

During the class, I placed out part of my pagan cookbook collection, along with my personal cookbook. Also, during the class, we touched on how to incorporate herbs with magical properties into your cooking to help weave magic into your everyday life, and mundane activities. I am really looking forward to the next class, which will be July 28th. For this class, I will be covering Lammas, and the Full Moon. I am still in the process of putting together everything for the class, but after the class I will post an update, the recipes on the companion blog, and have the hand out available for anyone interested.
In other news, my newest familiar has finally come home. However, she has brought a companion with her. Her mommy:
We have welcomed Miss Sophie Anne into our home. My best friend was having problems trying find a home for her, partly because she was a stray, and because she wasn't a kitten. I talked it over with the hubby, and it only made sense that since I had put money and time into making sure she was healthy, along with all of her babies, that we might as well take her in and love her. So, here she is, and here she will stay. She is such a quiet and loving thing, she is hardly any trouble. Well, except when she is chasing the dogs through the house to protect her baby. lol. But, we are working with her to get her to stop, and understand that the dogs really just aren't interested in eating her offspring. lol. But, we are getting there.
Until next time..... Blessed Be!