It arrived yesterday, and so far I am loving it. I made sure to get the keyboard and the pen. The only issue I have had is that the bluetooth portion of the pen isn't syncing with the tablet. However, I did contact Microsoft, and they will be sending me a new one. But, I did place my order on Amazon, and decided that while I was placing a new order that I might as well add to my book collection. So, I ordered the new Lughnasadh book from their new Sabbats series.
Image courtesy of Llewellyn
It never hurts to have another book, right? ;) I can't wait to dive into this one over the next week, before my next class. I really loved their first series, and this one is shaping up to be just as good. This is my third book from the new series, and I definitely plan on collecting all of them.
Speaking of my next class, I have the lesson plan in the bag, and will be adding the recipes to the Lammas/Lughnasadh tab before the class. I have some very yummy things planned, and lots of suggestions for everyone. Keep an eye open for that.
Now, for the third part of my title: Kitties! What would a post be without a photo of my little hellion familiar? Little Miss Onnie is such a little joy. She is still coming out of her shell, but she's made big progress since coming home. She has developed a fondness for attacking my pant legs and biting them while I am trying to prepare her food. Just take a look at this little cutie:
Well, until next time.... Blessed Be!