Wednesday, October 04, 2006

New direction needed

After reading Angel's latest post, I have remembered exactly what I have been forgetting for the past several years. Positive thought, focus and meditation. As I told her, I kinda got side tracked by life. And not in a good way. I honestly can't remember the last time I sat down to meditate. I can't remember the last time I focused on a goal that I really want. And positive thoughts have been in short supply, except when it comes to my knitting. It seems that I have let life run away with me. I have been so wrapped up on failed relationships, my children growing up too fast, money problems, and a myriad of other things. I feel as if my life has left me behind. That has resulted in depression. And in my depression, I have let so many things go. For one, I have gained back alot of weight that I worked so hard to get off and keep off for several years. And I have turned into the other "itch" word, the with the B and not the W. And I mean with a high, royal, capitol "B". That's not me, and that's not who I want to be. So, over the next several weeks, I will take the opportunity to plan for Samhaim. I will plan a really good cleansing ritual, and a good spell for a better new year. I also think that a ritual fasting is in order. That always seems to help clear my mind. So, if anyone would like to join me, in your own way, from where ever you are, let me know. 'Cause the moral support and postive thoughts always come in handy.

1 comment:

Angel said...

You are very sweet for mentioning my blog!

I do think, however, that you are being a little bit too hard on yourself. It is not easy finding "quiet" time for one's self. As a matter of fact the very fact that you are aware that you need some quiet time puts you far ahead of a lot of others. Meditating has done me so much good - the best of which is that it calms the "noises" in my head.

Here's a link to a forum that posts the most exquisite positive messages:

I hope you enjoy it.